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Earrings - Earrings with ear-flap - 5802-0158

Earrings - Earrings with ear-flap - 5802-0158

Earrings with flap

Stone 8HR 10x10mm with rim of štrasového chain with chatons ss6.5 on the ear flap

Total size ornaments: 1.5 x 2 cm

Ear flap size: 1x2cm

Earrings are an original product of Bijoux Trend CZ sro The earrings were made ​​in Jablonec nad Nisou, including their wholesome finishes.

View all offered earrings .

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Good variants:

  MS09 - Red rosa, crystal - silver plating 9.47 EUR
in the store
  MS01 - Pearl, crystal - silver plating 9.47 EUR
in the store
  MS15 - Black, crystal - silver plating 9.47 EUR
in the store
  MS08 - Violet, crystal - silver plating 9.47 EUR
in the store
  S00 - Crystal - silver plating 9.47 EUR
in the store
  MS03MS1 - Birliner blue, sapphire - silver plating 9.47 EUR
in the store
  MS18MS - Moonlight rosa, crystal- silver plating 9.47 EUR
in the store
  MS02MS - Moonlight blue, crystal - silver plating 9.47 EUR
in the store
  MS15MS1 - Black, rubby red - silver plating 9.47 EUR
in the store
  MS00Z - Crystal with gold, crystal - silver plating 10.88 EUR
in the store
  MS01S - Pearl with silver, crystal - silver plating 10.88 EUR
in the store
  MS02Z- Montana blue with gold, crystal - silver plating 10.88 EUR
in the store

Jewels into sets

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